I am amazed by how much I’ve learnt in the span of a little over 4 months

Ms. Eunice Faith C Asis from Philippine (the second lady from the right)

Mandarin Beginners Level 1 to Advanced Level 1 Full Day class (12/11, 2009 – 21/3, 2011)

Year-out Assistant
Baumschlager Eberle Hong Kong

Thank you for all your support and encouragement, you’ve given me the confidence to learn a new language and I know this will be a life long journey because the Chinese language is so rich in culture I don’t think any outsider would be able to fully grasp it in one seating.

Thank you to all the teachers that helped me and were patient with me as I struggled to organize my thoughts more coherently and though at times it was painful to try to express myself with the limited words that I knew, their support and encouragement made it much easier for me to trust in their wisdom and experience that I would one day be able to communicate my thoughts better.

I’m amazed by how much I’ve learnt in the span of a little over 4 months. This is truly evidence that your centre is the best in hong kong and your teachers, professionals.

Thank you again and I hope if time allows I can pursue learning this beautiful language further.